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Change Notice

Effective March 14, 2025, the County will no longer issue solicitations in Periscope.  We are excited to announce the County is transitioning to a new eSourcing platform, Biddingo. Learn more about this transition.

County-approved purchasing standards and requirements

Glossary of terms

Manufacturers, resellers, distributors, and/ or service providers approved by the County to provide the standardized goods and/ or services.

Approved manufacturers of the standardized product and/ or service.

Alternative products and/ or services may meet the Purchasing Standard and will be vetted through the procurement process.

The County of Department that manages the Purchasing Standard.

Business support goods and services

Product and ServicePurchasing StandardRelated Materials
Paper products and printing servicesAppendix A-1

Exhibit for paper product and printing services recycled-content and recyclability requirements

Attachment 1 to exhibit for paper product and printing services vendor certification form

Compost/Mulch purchases by contractors for the CountyAppendix A-2.2
Appendix A-3.2
Annual reporting guidelines

IT telecom goods and services

Product and ServicePurchasing StandardRelated Materials
GIS platformAppendix B-1