Small and Local Business Policy Provisions

On October 16, 2024, County staff presented its report back on the 2023 Countywide Disparity Study. As one of the proposed remedies to address the disparities identified in the report, the County intends to adopt a Small and Local Business Enterprise policy which aims to reduce barriers faced by small businesses interested in doing with the County. Proposed policy and program elements include:
- Bidding preferences up to 7% for certified small business enterprises (SBE).
- Bidding preferences up to 7% for non-certified SBEs that subcontract a portion of work to certified SBEs.
- Prompt payment provision for certified SBEs.
- Advance notice of upcoming solicitations.
Additional details can be found in staff’s report to the Finance and Government Operations Committee, along with the presentation, found here.
The County is currently gathering input from the small business community and relevant stakeholders in advance of a formal policy proposal to the Board of Supervisors in early 2025. Your feedback is important to ensure that we are crafting a meaningful policy. Please take a moment to complete the survey here or share your thoughts directly with the Office of Countywide Contracting Management here.