Request public records
How to request public records
Public records can be requested in writing, via the mail, email, fax, phone or in-person. We recommend putting your request in writing to avoid confusion and to make certain that you obtain the records you want.
Be as clear as possible when requesting records, put date limits on your request, and offer background or helpful information to help with the record search.
If you are informed that the requested records do not exist, contact us to discuss alternatives.
Copying and shipping costs
While the County does not charge to search, locate, or collect records, we may charge for the actual cost of duplicating paper records. The current cost to duplicate paper records is $0.10 per one paper copy plus United States Postal Service (USPS) First-Class Mail postage rate. If you prefer, you may provide us with your UPS or FedEx shipping information but copy charges will still apply.
Contact information is required so that we may respond to your request.