Report Source: This field provides where the report came from originally.
Division-Centralized: This field provides what division within the Procurement Department manages this contract.
Owner Name: This field is a name of a Buyer or a Procurement Contracts Specialist who is responsible for a given contract, or a a 3-digit acronym of the department (e.g: PRC for Procurement)
Contract ID: This field provides the contract number
For Procurement contracts residing in SAP, the contract number includes 10 digits number, starting by “55”.
For Procurement contracts residing in Ariba, the contract number is a series of numbers starting by “CW”.
For old Procurement contracts which were generated in SAP but later migrated to Ariba, the contract number is a series of numbers starting by “LCW” meaning “Legacy Contract”
For Service Agreements, the contract number includes 10-digit numbers, starting by “44”
For Board Contracts, the contract number includes 10-digit numbers, starting by “43”
Contract Type: This field provides either “SA” for Service Agreement or “BC” for Board Contract.
Vendor Name: This field provides who the supplier or vendor is for the contract.
Vendor ID: This field provides the vendor ID assigned by the County.
Effective Date: This field provides the start date of the contract.
Expiration Date: This field provides the end date of the contract.
Contract Amount: This field provides the County’s maximum financial obligation under the contract.
Expended Amount: This field provides how much the contract has been spent
Remaining Balance: This field provides how much the contract is still available for expenditure
Authorizer Users: This field provides at what department(s) of the County the contract is for. A Procurement contract can be valid for use for one or multiple departments/agencies.
Contract Status: This field provides the status of the contract.
For Procurement contracts residing in SAP, this report captures contract statuses such as:
In Progress
Not Used: meaning the contract has been established in the system but no activities have been associated to the contract. This is to trigger the buyer to come in and update status for the contract to either “Terminated” or “Active”. If “Active” is selected, the buyer will need to adjust the appropriate contract expiration date
For Procurement contracts residing in Ariba, this report captures contract statuses such as:
Draft Amendment
Expired: meaning the contract expiration date is passed and no further action from the buyer is associated to it, and Ariba automatically updated the status of the contract to “Expired”. This is to trigger the buyer to come in and update status for the contract to either “Closed” or “Draft Amendment”
Commodity ID: This field provides the commodity code of the contract.
Commodity Description: This field provides the commodity information of the contract.
Budget Unit ID: This field provides the department ID of what department(s) of the county the contract is valid for. A Decentralized contract can be valid for use for one or multiple departments.
Budget Unit Name: This field provides the department name of what department(s) of the county the contract is valid for. A Decentralized contract can be valid for use for one or multiple departments
Exception Status or Vendor Selection Method:This field provides whether the given contract was competitively bid or not (e.g. a single or sole source procurement).